pichón exclusive:
Hubert Caño
pichón is pleased to present works by the enigmatic Puerto Rican artist Hubert Caño. A master of the bricolage, Caño's work exudes a sensually sophisticated self-contained narrative within each work that invites endless exploration.
As a conceptual artist, his works express meaning through found common objects at a domestic scale. The following three-dimensional works or "Arte-Objetos" were produced for the gallery and represent the wit and sensuality characteristic of his style.
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Artwork: Enséñame a volar (detail)
Exhibition: Los rostros de mis objetos
23 November 2024 at pichón de Galería Palomas
This exhibition paid homage to the women in Caño's family. Among them are his grandmother, mother and aunts who gathered nightly as supplementary seamstresses weaving intricate lace and family tales. References can be gathered from the titles as well as the detailed hieroglyphics depicted on the objects.
Bricolage, oil on canvas, mixed media with found objects size: 14 x 20 x 8 in.
This piece transforms his grandmother's sewing machine into a distinctive and enigmatic work of art.
This piece transforms his grandmother's sewing machine into a distinctive and enigmatic work of art.
Enséñame a volar
Exhibition: Los rostros de mis objetos
Bricolage, oil on canvas, mixed media with found objects size: 83 x 30 in.
Teach me to fly comments on women's role in Puerto Rican society and how weaving lace provided some independence. The work features a headdress using weaving bobbins.
Teach me to fly comments on women's role in Puerto Rican society and how weaving lace provided some independence. The work features a headdress using weaving bobbins.
Cuestión de suerte
Exhibition: Los rostros de mis objetos
Bricolage, oil on canvas, mixed media with found objects
size: 21 x 42 in.
A dynamic piece with functioning doors invite further scrutiny and luck.
Corazón de guanábana
Exhibition: Los rostros de mis objetos
Bricolage, oil on canvas, mixed media with found objects
size: 48 x 48 in.
A tender heart falls easily
Fruto prohibido
Exhibition: Los rostros de mis objetosBricolage, oil on canvas, mixed media with found objects size: 19 x 11 x 5 in.
An essay on desire
An essay on desire
Exhibition: Los rostros de mis objetosBricolage, oil on canvas, mixed media with found objects size: 28 x 10 x 5 in.
Skepticism through needlepoint eyes
Skepticism through needlepoint eyes
Bricolage, oil on canvas, mixed media with found objects
size: 48 x 70 in.
The works represent a mosaic of memories tattooed with countless emotions. The narrative is almost infinite in figurative portraits and fleeting images of a fragmented past. Whose totality is delineated by the object of focus. In this particular technique, the work of Hubert Caño has always been a joy of visual discoveries. - from Aló, ¿Quién llama? exhibition at the Liga de Arte de San Juan
Lo que sale de mi boca... Caviar
Bricolage, oil on canvas, mixed media with found objects
size: 16 x 16 in.
The true meaning of words, like caviar, are not meant for everyone. This piece's composition recalls the symbolism of heraldic crests as a synopsis of self-identity. Words originate in the mind. The beauty of the sturgeon's eggs are clustered in the upper left canton.